Course Materials

Most documents, such as the reader (study guide) and Exercises for the Chemometrics course (MOL065) and the Chemometrics for Molecular Life Sciences course (MOL109) can be found on BrightSpace. The reader contains information on the course, background information, the theory and a lot of examples that can be reproduced by the students. For clustering, some additional matlab scripts are available (for MOL065); these can be downloaded and saved with the other, self-made scripts. All this material is part of the course.

Course reader and exercise manual:
Reader (2018-2019 version)
MOL065 Exercises
Additional Matlab scripts, to be used for Clustering (MOL065)
Clustering zip-file

Supporting Material

  1. Arthur Pistorius kindly made his reader (in Dutch) for the course "Data analyse met de PC" available: this gives some background in matrix algebra, and also a gentle introduction to Matlab.
  2. More background on linear algebra can be found on the internet: try Googling using the phrase "linear algebra primer".
  3. Googling also helps to find documentation for Matlab. One example: two very basic on-line Matlab tutorials here and here. Again, much more is available.